Website Traffic Analysis |
In-depth, real-time
statistics |
| |
solution |
The Red Toolbox offers
the total solution for webmasters who need to understand and
track their website visitor behaviour |
Understand your visitors |
More than just a hit
counter, our Detailed Website Traffic Analysis provides
real-time, in-depth statistics of the visitors to your
site |
Jargon-free |
Our reports are easy to
read and jargon-free, giving you the exact information you
need |
software |
With no software to
install, no programming required and no log files to analyse,
tracking your website visitors couldn't be easier
| |
| |
People surf and explore the
internet |
Keywords entered
lead to your website |
Our servers store
the data of visitor activity |
Reports are created
from this data |
You understand your
visitors' behaviour
| |